Energy Careers Excursion (Free PDF Download)



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Students often have a tough time understanding just how many career options exist in the world around them beyond doctor, nurse, lawyer, teacher, firefighter, and engineer. The energy industry employs millions of Americans each year with growth and expansion each year in the number and types of jobs available.

These activities aim to expose students to the many specialized career options and job opportunities in the energy industry, and how even the most general career paths can be involved in bringing energy and electricity to the world around us.

These activities make excellent additions to any energy unit, and are great for reinforcing soft skills and career-ready skills.

Also available as an e-publication.

Supplemental Resources for this guide:
– Career Roundup Posters
– Career Roundup slide deck   PowerPoint
– Oil & Gas Careers Round Up PowerPoint

Check out NEED’s YouTube page on Energy Career Profiles


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