NEED News & Articles


Gobble Up These 5 Holiday Energy Saving Tips

Don’t let your energy bill over the holiday season put you in a fowl mood! Read all of Gobble Up These 5 Holiday Energy Saving…

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Trick or Treat – Energy Myths Laid to RIP

  October is upon us and besides a ghoulish good time of All Hallows’ Eve, it is also Energy Awareness Month. Here are 10 tricky…

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Energy Infobook covers

You Conduit!

The United States uses a lot of energy—over two million dollars’ worth of energy per minute, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We…

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Solar eclipse at totality

#MCM Moon Crush Monday

It’s a Monday, and often in the social media world, the hashtag, “#MCM”, means someone is celebrating their Man Crush Monday. Well, here at NEED,…

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NEED energy infobook used for engineering project

NEED Energy Infobooks the Key to NGSS Success in Elk Grove, CA

NGSS has been a challenge to teach, but at Toby Johnson Middle School in Elk Grove the 8th grade team, Liz Wollbrinck, Matt Pesci and…

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Solar beads

Solar Eclipse Learning Fun

Living in Western KY, we have been talking about this day for the last year. Glasses were bought and parties planned to view this once…

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Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
Cover for The NEED Project
The NEED Project

The NEED Project

Over 40 years of putting energy into education!

February 18th is National Battery Day 🔋

A battery produces electricity using two different metals in a chemical solution. A chemical reaction between the metals and the chemicals frees more electrons in one metal than in the other.

How does an Electric Vehicle (EV) Work?
Electric vehicles store electricity in large battery banks. They are plugged into a wall outlet (either a 240-volt or standard 120-volt) for several hours to charge. An electric
motor powers the wheels and acts as a generator when the brakes are applied, recharging the battery.

Learn more about batteries in NEED's
"Energy Infobooks"
"Switching it Up"
"Excellent Energy Engineering
"Stock it Up Energy Storage Sampler"
...and more!
Free PDF download at

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February 18th is National Battery Day 🔋

A battery produces electricity using two different metals in a chemical solution. A chemical reaction between the metals and the chemicals frees more electrons in one metal than in the other.

How does an Electric Vehicle (EV) Work?
Electric vehicles store electricity in large battery banks. They are plugged into a wall outlet (either a 240-volt or standard 120-volt) for several hours to charge. An electric
motor powers the wheels and acts as a generator when the brakes are applied, recharging the battery.

Learn more about batteries in NEEDs 
Energy Infobooks
Switching it Up 
Excellent Energy Engineering
Stock it Up Energy Storage Sampler 
...and more! 
Free PDF download at 

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6 days ago

Get inspired by past winning projects! Plenty of time to get a project started and submit by the April 15th deadline!

Email with any questions
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Get inspired by past winning projects! Plenty of time to get a project started and submit by the April 15th deadline!

Email with any questions
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