NGSS Correlations are Complete!

July 8, 2015

NEED's NGSS curriculum correlations

That’s right, the document many of you have been waiting for, just in time for your summer lesson planning, is finally complete! NEED is proud to announce that curriculum correlations for all grades, K-12, to the Next Generation Science Standards are finished and have been uploaded to our standards web page, The spreadsheet contains a sheet for each grade, K-5, and a sheet each for middle school and high school. Visit the different grades by clicking the tabs in the bottom of the file.

Within each sheet, the standards are listed across the top of each as column headings, and our curriculum guide titles are listed down the side in the rows. The first columns list each of the Performance Expectations, followed by the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Cross-Cutting Concepts, respectively.

Each Performance Expectation has embedded within it a set of Practices, DCIs, and Concepts; to see which curriculum guides best support what you want to teach, hide the columns with the statements you do not need; what is left will be the Performance Expectation(s), Practices, DCIs, and Concepts that relate to each other, and you will quickly see which titles in the NEED library best support the concepts you need to teach in your classroom. Solid dots in the spreadsheet indicate titles which contain activities that we think meet the standard listed, while hollow dots indicate a guide that contains activities that can be used in a supporting capacity, but not as a stand-alone.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at Happy planning!